
1909-11 T206 White Borders Near Set of (475/524) Different with (53) Hall of Famers/Stars

  • Sold For: $8,888
  • Year: 1909
  • Auction: 2013 June
  • Lot #: 2
  • Auction Category: Prewar Baseball - T Tobacco Cards

The standard bearer for the pre-war collecting hobby is undoubtedly the 1909-1911 T206 White Borders series. So popular is “The Monster”, that many hobbyists make this ACC designation their lifelong collecting pursuit. Over 90% of the acclaimed century-old set is available with the offered near set of (475/524) different cards. These pint-sized treasures have been well handled over the decades and are ideal for the budget conscious enthusiast. The approximate condition breakdown is as follows: 10% (GD or better), 40% (FR) and 50% (PR) with the majority displaying a combination of acute wear including significant creasing, paper loss, tape residue, trimming, writing or missing pieces. The advertising back breakdown is as follows: (323) Piedmont, (88) Sweet Caporal, (25) Old Mill, (23) Polar Bear, (11) Sovereign, (2) American Beauty (both trimmed), (2) Tolstoi (both trimmed) and (1) El Principe De Gales. Highlights include: Hall of Famers/Stars: (53 cards, all common backs, unless noted) with Bender (FR, No Trees), Bender (FR, with Trees), Bresnahan (GD, Portrait), Breshanan (GD, with Bat), M. Brown (FR, reverse stamp, Cubs on Shirt), M. Brown (PR, Portrait), Chance (PR, Batting), Chance (PR, pin holes, Red Portrait), Chance (PR, Yellow Portrait), Evers (PR, with Bat, Chicago on Shirt, Polar Bear), Evers (trimmed, Cubs on Shirt), Jennings (GD, Both Hands Showing), Lajoie (PR, writing, Throwing), Marquard (FR, Hands at Thighs), Mathewson (trimmed, Dark Cap, Sovereign 350), Mathewson (PR, White Cap), McGraw (GD, Finger in Air), Tinker (PR, Bat Off Shoulder), Tinker (FR, Portrait), Waddell (GD, Throwing); Southern Leaguers near: (46/48 cards, (18) Old Mill); Key Variations/Errors: (4 cards, all common backs) with Lundgren (FR, Chicago) and Horizontal Cards: (5/6 cards, all common backs). More on our website. Hall of Famers/Stars: (53 cards, all common backs, unless noted) with Bender (FR, No Trees), Bender (FR, with Trees), Bresnahan (GD, Portrait), Breshanan (GD, with Bat), M. Brown (FR, reverse stamp, Cubs on Shirt), M. Brown (PR, Portrait), Chance (PR, Batting), Chance (PR, pin holes, Red Portrait), Chance (PR, Yellow Portrait), Chase (PR, reverse paper loss, Blue Portrait), Chase (PR, writing, Dark Cap), Chase (PR, Holding Trophy), Chase (PR, reverse glue residue, Pink Portrait), Chesbro (PR, pinhole), Cicotte (PR), F. Clarke (PR, Portrait), F. Clarke (FR, with Bat), J. Collins (FR), Crawford (PR, pin holes, with Bat), G. Davis (PR, reverse writing), Duffy (FR), Evers (PR, with Bat, Chicago on Shirt, Polar Bear), Evers (trimmed, Cubs on Shirt), Flick (PR, paper loss), Gandil (PR, reverse writing), Griffith (PR, Batting), Griffith (PR, paper residue, Portrait), Huggins (PR, Portrait), Jennings (GD, Both Hands Showing), Jennings (PR, paper loss, One Hand Showing), Jennings (FR, Portrait), Joss (PR, reverse writing, Pitching), Joss (trimmed, Portrait), Keeler (PR, Portrait), Keeler (PR, pin hole, with Bat), Kelley (PR, Old Mill), Lajoie (PR, writing, Throwing), Marquard (FR, Hands at Thighs), Marquard (PR, Portrait), Mathewson (trimmed, Dark Cap, Sovereign 350), Mathewson (PR, White Cap), McGinnity (PR, pin hole), McGraw (GD, Finger in Air), McGraw (PR, Glove at Hip), McGraw (PR, pin holes, Portrait, no Cap), McGraw (PR, writing, Portrait, with Cap), Tinker (PR, Bat Off Shoulder), Tinker (FR, Portrait), Waddell (PR, pinhole, Portrait), Waddell (GD, Throwing), Walsh (trimmed), Wheat (PR), Willis (PR, back stamp, with Bat); Southern Leaguers near: (46/48 cards, (18) Old Mill) with Bastian (PR), Bay (PR, reverse writing), Bernhard (FR), Breitenstein (PR), Carey (trimmed), Coles (PR, paper loss, Old Mill), Cranston (FR, Old Mill), Ellam (PR, paper loss, Old Mill), Foster (PR), Fritz (PR), Greminger (PR), Guiheen (FR), B. Hart (FR, Old Mill), J. Hart (PR, pin hole), Helm (GD), Hickman (GD), Hooker (PR), E. Howard (FR), A. Jordan (trimmed), Kiernan (PR, paper loss, Old Mill), LaFitte (FR, stain), Lentz (PR), Lipe (PR, reverse writing, Old Mill), Mannion (PR, paper loss, Old Mill), McCauley (FR, reverse writing, Old Mill), M. Miller (PR, taped, Old Mill), Molesworth (PR, reverse writing, Old Mill), Mullaney (trimmed), Orth (FR), Otey (PR), Paige (PR), Perdue (PR, Old Mill), Persons (PR, stain), Reagan (FR), Revelle (PR, Old Mill), Rockenfeld (PR, Old Mill), Ryan (PR, Old Mill), Seitz (FR), Shaughnessy (GD), C. Smith (FR, Old Smith, reverse writing), S. Smith (PR, Old Mill), Thebo (PR, Old Mill), Thornton (PR, paper loss), Violat (FR, Old Mill), Westlake (PR), F. White (PR, paper loss); Key Variations/Errors: (4 cards, all common backs) with Dahlen (PR, writing, Brooklyn), Kleinow (FR, Boston), Lundgren (FR, Chicago), F. Smith (PR, Chicago & Boston); Horizontal Cards: (5/6 cards, all common backs) with Birmingham (GD), Mullin (FR), Pattee (PR), Pelty (FR), Powell (PR); Uncommon Backs: with Old Mill: with L. Doyle (PR, with Bat), H. Hinchman (trimmed), Lake (GD, St. Louis, Ball in Hand), Livingston (PR), Leifield (FR, Batting), Titus (PR); Polar Bear: with Abbott (PR), Adkins (GD), Ball (FR, Cleveland), Brain (PR, pin hole), Casey (PR), Downey (PR, Batting), Evans (FR), Grimshaw (PR), S. Hofman (PR, paper loss), Lake (PR, reverse glue residue, St. Louis, No Ball in Hand), Latham (PR, paper loss), Leach (PR, Bending Over, McIntyre (FR, BKLN.), Merkle (PR, reverse paper loss, Throwing, Merritt (PR), Moriarty (PR), Perring (PR), H. Shaw (FR), Snodgrass (PR, paper loss, Catching), Street (GD, Catching), Willetts (PR), Wright (PR); Sovereign: with Ball (PR, writing, New York, 150 series), Criss (PR, 350 series), Hartsel (PR, paper loss 350 series), Herzog (FR, New York, 150 series), Jackson (FR, 150 series), T. Jones (PR, 150 series), Knight (PR, with Bat, 350 series), O’Brien (PR, 350 series), Seymour (PR, Throwing, 350 series), J. White (PR, 350 series); Tolstoi: with Davidson (trimmed), Payne (trimmed); American Beauty: with Marshall (trimmed, 350 series framed), Schlafly (trimmed, 350 series, framed); El Principe De Gales: Kisinger (PR, back stamp); Missing: (49 cards) with Baker, Beckley, Bell (Pitching, Follow-Through), Bender (Portrait), Bliss, G. Brown (Washington), M. Brown (Chicago on Shirt), Chase (White Cap), Cobb (Bat On Shoulder), Cobb (Bat Off Shoulder), Cobb (Green Portrait), Cobb (Red Portrait), E. Collins, Crawford (Throwing), Dahlen (Boston), Demmitt (St. Louis), J. Doyle (Nat’l), Elberfeld (Washington), Evers (Portrait), B. Graham, Huggins (Hands at Mouth), W. Johnson (Hands at Chest), W. Johnson (Portrait), King, Lajoie (Portrait), Lajoie (with Bat), Magie, Marquard (Follow-Through), Mathewson (Portrait), F. Mitchell, Murphy (Throwing), Myers (Fielding), Needham, Nicholls (Batting), O’Hara (St. Louis), Plank, Slagle, Speaker, Stark, Tinker (Bat On Shoulder), Tinker (Hands on Knees), He. Wagner (Bat on Right Shoulder), Ho. Wagner, Wallace, Willis (Portrait), Willis (Throwing), C. Young (Bare Hand Shows), C. Young (Glove Shows), C. Young (Portrait)